Our Vision

We envision the County of Ventanilla, becoming the first sustainable County in Peru and thus, becoming an inspiration and concrete example of what can be done.
What we are doing to support this goals is:

Learning permaculture and developing a network of Permaculture Designers.
In time we hope to find financing to take them to Peru along with other trained volunteers.
Learning scale sized Sustainable systems that are flexible to be adapted to the richly diverse micro climates and ecosystems of Peru.

We hope that this will only be a first step. As we hope to be an example for what can be done with partnerships and determination.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Protegiendo el Medio Ambiente

Protecting our Environment... Areas of Green

That's what this is all about. We want to protect and sustain. This sign announces it for us, for everyone who holds environmental issues close to heart.

A sign can plant a seed, make people think or it can just be noise. So, what are we going to do with the seeds that have been planted? How are we going to work with the people who are now thinking? Are we going to move into action, or are we just going to be noise in the background?

I vote for watering the seeds, feeding the people information and being more than just elevator music.

Wolf had an idea that grew into an action. When he shared those thoughts and ideas with Mery, it planted a seed within her. He then watered that seed by sending her to training. She in turn has grown into this wonderfully beautiful tree that has spread the seeds of knowledge to many. She now has this splendid garden of eager children who have taken root and are moving forward with actions that make a difference. In turn, they too want to share what they are doing and what they have learned. They want to spread more seeds.

While all of this was happening, Wolf has been stretching out his branches and is sharing his excitement with others. I am one of those others. He took something that was already inside of me, something that I have been working towards for the majority of my life and he helped turn it into action. For once, I know what direction I'm going with this desire to help others and like a mother, protect what is dear to me. The world around us is so very important to me, to us.

I have to smile, Mery has me saved in her e-mail contacts as "carol lee ambientelista" Environmentalist Carol Lee. I like that!

So, I will pose one more question before I close. Where are you in your journey? Are you a seed waiting to be watered? Are you thinking and wondering what your next move will be, or are you just trying to drowned out the noise?

Until next time, this is Carol Lee, Wolf and Mery saying "Ser verde."

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